I Wasn't Happy With The Aesthetics Of My Smile, Now I Love My Smile!
My teeth were very crowded as a child. I’m 36 now, but when my wisdoms came in, it pushed. I used to have a straight smile, but it pushed everything to where my front teeth were overlapping. And I ended up getting a really bad cavity there, one that I just, I couldn’t even get dental floss in between. So I got the cavity. I had cavities just in the front, really bad. And that was my main issue. It was finding a dentist that could address all of the cavities in the front and take care of all of that together at the same time.
Before I got my implants done, I almost never smiled. And if I did, I would cover my mouth, or I would, just a regular smile, no teeth showing. I was very, very, very self-conscious, embarrassed almost actually to, I was embarrassed to smile in front of anyone. It's really changed my life around.

Firas Husein:
So Megan came to my office a few years back. And her main concern was the aesthetics. She didn’t have good smile, the teeth didn’t look good, which is a main concern for maybe most people. Looking deeper into the case, well, she had some other issues. One of them, obviously, some infections in her teeth that had to be addressed.
The dentist I went to to get my root canals done on these two teeth, they didn’t do it properly. And I ended up with a really bad infection.
Dr. Huesin:
So basically, we took Megan’s scans before. We waxed them on virtually too. We are now ditching the old-fashioned wax-up that was made by hand by a technician. Now, we have a computer technician who does wax-ups. It’s a whole digital wax-up. We use digital wax-up to build up her crowns.
I wanted them all done at once. Yeah, I wanted all of my implants for my mouth done all at once. And we also together, me and doctor together, kind of made that decision. So he did suggest doing them all at the same time so that when we did the implants, they’re all the same color.
Dr. Huesin:
It went fairly smooth, fast, stress-free, pain-free for the patient. And she was very excited and happy. When we eventually finished up everything, she was really excited.
Before I got my implants done, I almost never smiled. And if I did, I would cover my mouth, or I would, just a regular smile, no teeth showing. I was very, very, very self-conscious, embarrassed almost actually to, I was embarrassed to smile in front of anyone. It’s really changed my life around. And it also, it’s the first thing that people see. So, the first thing people see on your face usually is your eyes and your smile. And that’s, that’s how people react to you. So if anyone is considering coming to Petaluma Valley Dental I would highly highly recommend it.
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